Diabetic Eye Journal - BARS Chronicle

The BARS Chronicle

Volume 9 - July 2024

Cover: Introducing the new website image coming soon.

BARS Welcome and Goodbye: Richard Bell (BARS Co-chair) welcomes you to our latest edition and says goodbye as stepping down after 9 years on council.

NHS Update: Update to the changes to the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme.

World Health Organisation: Fife Diabetic Eye Screening goes to Kyrgyzstan to set up a screening programme. Lynsey Scott (BARS Treasurer) explains her recent visit.

Spotlight on Educational Courses: Optical Coherence Tomography Interpretation course by Dr Samantha Mann (BARS President) gives an inside as to what to expect.

Interesting Images: Intermediate uveitis, vessel sheathing and floater is shown with images from Richard Bell.

Competition Time: Check out the BARS photography and poster competitions.

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