The BARS Chronicle - About the DEJ

About the Diabetic Eye Journal

The Diabetic Eye Journal was first published in September 2013, and was the brainchild of the North Central London Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, which recognised the need for a wider awareness of diabetic retinopathy amongst the general public, and for a platform for practitioners to share their experience, expertise and research.

Since its inception, the journal has been edited by Iveta Olejkova and Jacqueline Mansell, former chair of BARS, and from issue 2 onwards, with the help of Mark Histed also a former Chair, the Diabetic Eye Journal became a BARS publication. The DEJ is now produced twice a year, and distributed to all diabetic eye screening programmes and major hospital eye services across the country. Iveta has since become a member of BARS council, and remains the driving force behind the Diabetic Eye Journal as editor, with other members of council assisting with fundraising, proofreading and editorial support.

All previous issues of DEJ are available as PDFs on this website. BARS members will receive a hard copy of a journal in the post, free of charge.

Click here to view the past editions

We are always on the lookout for interesting articles or case studies for publication in future editions of the Diabetic Eye Journal, so if you have an idea, or have written something you think may be suitable, please e-mail us at

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