The BARS Chronicle - Diabetic Eye Journal

Diabetic Eye Journal

Issue 10 - March 2018

Other Lesions:  Update on Uveitis - Reviewing relevant uveal anatomy and discussing clinical presentations seen in clinical practice within the UK.

Diabetic Eye Disease: Musings on Microaneurysms.

Diabetes UK: The Future of Diabetes - 9,000 people affected by diabetes discuss what they want to live well with diabetes in order to put at the heart of campaigning.

Spotlight on DESP: Introducing Diabetic Eye Screening Wales.  An insight into how this DESP functions.

BARS: Education Update - The Changing Role of Graders.

Anterior Eye Conditions: The International Perspective on Dry Eye Management - Looks at how this "multifactual disease" affects many people and gives insights into diagnosis management.


In order to keep file sizes manageable whilst maintaining a high resolution for images, this online issue of DEJ has been split into two parts.  Click on the main cover above for part 1, and on the image below for part 2.


 Part 2     
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