The BARS Chronicle - Diabetic Eye Journal

Diabetic Eye Journal

Issue 9 - September 2017

Other Lesions:  Retinoschisis and the Diabetic Retinopathy Viewpoint - Current Knowledge of this condition.

Diabetic Eye Disease: What's new in the management of DR? - Ongoing Research and Development.

Diabetes UK: Clinical Champions - Driving Change Across Local Health Systems.

Spotlight on DESP: Introducing the North East London DESP.  An insight into how this DESP functions.

BARS: Education Update - Increasing Knowledge and Skills.

OCT Study: Role of OCT in Virtual Digital Surveillance Clinic within Diabetic Retinal Screening Service.


In order to keep file sizes manageable whilst maintaining a high resolution for images, this online issue of DEJ has been split into three parts. Click on the main cover above for part 1, and on the images below for part 2 and part 3 respectively.

 Part 2     Part 3
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