Most sites you visit will probably use cookies to remember your preferences for the web site, to help administrators of the web site to determine number of visitors, which pages are the most popular and other various tasks. Cookies are small text files that the server can retrieve and identify your browser and remember your settings. Some cookies are very important, without cookies you would not be able to login to a web site or do other things like add items to your shopping list if you are on a web site that sells goods online.
You do not have to accept cookies but by refusing cookies from the BARS web site you will not be able to login to the web site - the server will not be able to remember that you have logged in.
All the cookies used on the BARS web site use anonymous information and are deleted when you close your browser with one exception: the cookie that remembers you are happy to accept cookies. This latter cookie prevents you having to click the accept cookies link which will remove the top right panel explaining about cookies.
Cookies | Name | Purpose | More Information |
Google Analytics | _utma _utmb _utmc _utmz _utmv |
These cookies are used to collect information about which pages our visitors use on the site. Information is used to compile reports and to help us improve the site and administrate the site. Information is in an anonymous form, includes the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come from and the pages on other sites that refer to BARS web site. | Google's privacy notice is here » |
Site Cookies Accepted |
SiteCookie | Records that you are happy to accept cookies and if so removes the site wide notification that BARS uses cookies. |
This is the only cookie that is stored by BARS when you close your web browser. |
Session Cookie | *Session* | The name of the cookie will indicate that the cookie is a session cookie and helps to remember your unique visit | Deleted when you close your browser. |
Shared Services | ssh sshs ssc |
Shared services provided by addthis.com | These are only used if extra functionality is required such as adding a like to facebook or using any of the icons in the top right (print, email, . . .) they can all be refused but the functionality will remain. |
Others | various | BARS uses various cookies after you have logged in to remember your logged in state. For security purposes we do not disclose these. | These are deleted when you either logout of the web site or close your browser |