
Haag-Streit Academy Slit Lamp Basic Skills Course

Venue: SpaMedica Clinic Training Facility, Bolton

Date: 6 March

The Slit Lamp Basic Skills course offers a half-day of training with the focus on hands-on workshops for small groups. The course will start with a short talk covering slit lamp set-up & controls and examination & illumination techniques.

The agenda will also cover more specialist examination techniques, including Goldmann applanation tonometry and indirect fundoscopy using a Volk lens.

These courses will include up to three hours of hands on experience, with no more than three learners per slit lamp. This CPD-accredited course is supported with pre and post-course e-learning content.

For details and to register please click here:

DR Grader Course

Venue: Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham

Date: 10 - 12 March

This is a new 3 day DR Grader course which incorporates key lectures and quizzes from the standard 5 day course.

This is based upon our most popular and established course, which we have run for over 13 years now. This is aimed at new graders and those who wish to refresh their grading knowledge base.

To register and for details please click here:

Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2020

Venue: SEC Glasgow

Date: 18 - 20 March

"The most valued annual conference in diabetes practice". For details and to regsister please click here: